The Kalinago Canoe Trail Project

Dominica separator

The Kalinago Canoe Trail project is part of the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s Community-based Tourism Cluster Project for Dominica. The Kalinago Canoe Trail is a forest hiking trail tracing the foot path of the ancestors who were Kalinago boat makers. The overall objective is to appreciate this cultural tradition and understand the value of the rain forest in our survival. It is our vision that the trail will catalyze the regeneration of the gommier forest along with other forest trees in the Concord Valley.



Phone(s): +1-767-276-0486 or +1-767-275-7958

WhatsApp: +1-767-276-0486 or +1-767-275-7958


Address: Kalinago Territory

Contact Name(s): Claudius Sanford or Louis Hill 



  • Trail development: Trail development in areas related to the design and installation of relevant signage, creation of rest stops and construction of benches for installation along the Kalinago Canoe Trails Network. Special gear needed: long trousers, long sleeves, caps, insect repellents